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Tag Archives: swing

Song of the day: Mojo My Mofo

Hello kids,

Well big thank you for those of you who came last night it was really fun to DJ again. So as it is Featured Friday today I am giving you a track I featured last night in my DJ set that got every body jumping. It’s also featured cause I got several lovely music lovers recommending me this band.

His name is Parov Stelar when he performs solo as a DJ or Parov Stelar Band when well, its pretty self explanatory.  They are a huge deal in Austria and for good reasons. His electroswing music, well it just makes you want to GROOOVE. And last night this song exploded on the dance floor (as always I was probably the most energetic of the crowd but oh well).

Here is The Mojo Radio Gang

The only question I ask myself is WHY or WHY is this song not longer – this deserves at least 6 minutes.

Also it’s quite similar to Caravan Palace I gave out the other day, so if his eight albums leave you wanting more go check them out also.