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Tag Archives: Ra Ra Riot

MasMusic is back

So it’s been a month but I’m back! And boy do I have things to share with you.

The first good news is do not fear, as promised I will be starting up Song of the Day again. So for all of those of you who felt daily music deprivization (yes that’s now officially a word) – your easy fix is back on the roll. Just sign up to the blog by email and I’ll be back in your inbox.

Secondly the great news as I now have my very own site. I will use this site to continue what I have been doing for the past two years as well as share with you my journey of cracking into the music industry. You can read more about what the blog aims to do here.

On a side note, can we talk about the effort of setting up a blog. I am now officially colour blind from going through every single WordPress theme, colour, background combination. So please just love it and accept it. Firstly because I can no longer differentiate brown from blue and secondly because 36.7 times is about the maximum you can ask a patient freelancer in Pakistan to change a logo.

Thirdly, I have loads to share with you from my month of madness. Who ever thought being unemployed was a holiday is not a hyper bunny like me. Things have not stopped since I quit and I have loads of exciting news (including a great trip to London and a possible new band! to tell you all about).

But one thing at time. Let me start with your tune which I have been dying to give out since I got my ear on it. And which included last weekend in my DJ set and will most probably play again next Thursday at this event (which I have a feeling will be our best event to date so don’t miss it).

And I’ll spill the rest of the news slowly.

So without further ado, here is Ra Ra Riot‘s new single Beta Love

Oh just get up on your desk, dance around and try reach that high note (which obviously is not humanly possible!).
Come on you know you want to.

Hope to see you all at the XX concert in Lausanne tonight.

Living the dream

Song of the day: I just don't know what to do

Hello kids,

So I’ve been giving you loads of new, hot of the tracks tunes. Now let’s also catch you up with some tracks that may have passed right by you unnoticed and unheard in 2009.

This is a weird and wonderful song I love to run to its called So Insane and the band is Discovery.
They are indie, they are rock, they are electronic. And they are American – no one’s perfect.

But the reason you know that they are brilliant is because you have Rostam Batamaglij keyboardist from Vampire Weekend (big love) and Wesley Miles the vocalist from Ra Ra Riot (more love).

How can you go wrong.


I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: Happy Fete de la Musique

Posted on

Hello kids,

So as I get a reobssession (yes that’s not a word) for Passion Pit the gemy jams keep emerging.
Here is a remix they did of Ra Ra Riot’s Ghost Under Rock.

I listened to this song about 50 times yesterday.

Have a lovely weekend – and enjoy FETE DE LA MUSIQUE. Finally something serious to be celebrating.
There’s stuff going on everywhere around Geneva so make sure to check it out

I’ll be at Hackney Weekend (London) trying to find some new inspiration to share with you.

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day