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Tag Archives: song of the day

Song of the day: all these things about me you never can tell

Hello kids,

So after yesterday new light happy acoustic electro tunes I am going you something a little older and more rock. Their name is the Joy Formidable, and they are no new find. They have been around since 2007. I found them because they continuously popped up on my ‘related artists’ section of some of my favourite artists on Spotify. So then I found out it’s because they toured with the Editors (basics of Indie 101) and Passion Pit. So that’s enough to give them credit. They are now actually signed with an Indie label run by one of the members of Passion Pit. All good signs.

So here is Whirring

The end is for the hardcore rockers and there’s even a 6:40 min extended version on Spotify if you like: The Joy Formidable – Whirring)

Song of the day: Calling a ‘I told you so’ on this band

Hello new and old followers,

I’d like to apologies for my absence, my come back and the confusion around Indie Nation/MasMusic and the double posting.
So it is now with heavy heart that I announce that I will officially split from Indie Nation (although remaining an honorary DJguest), and will now only exclusively post content on this site. For more info please see this farewell post. I encourage you to subscribe to both blogs and follow us on our journey as we find our new vision, direction and offerings.

The good news is if you are used to your daily tune, it will still be available here . Just make sure to sign up, or come and pop by whenever you like. Plus much more will be coming soon. So without further ado lets just give you why you are here: the music.

Today I give you a new discovery of mine which I am very excited about. The band is called Years & Years. They have just started out, in a very random and charming way. The two things that strike me immediately are the age and the voice! The group looks like they are made up of teenagers (turns out they are in their early 20s) and one heavily moustached Salvador Dali look-alike (I stole that comparison from the article cause it’s so great) yet the music is of a much older maturity.

Then there is Olly’s voice which is extraordinary. There’s also something very charming about his sincere face and wonderfully curly hair (which I have a slight bias to adore). A quick Google search brings to light that Olly Alexander is actually an actor and a scriptwriter. And a successful one. He wrote the screen play and acted in this which looks fantastic.

As for their sound they describe themselves as mashing warm acoustic with cold electronic sounds and I can’t think of a better description – or a mix of sound I love more. This is music that hits the right spots for me. They just started out and only have two songs released but I really hope to hear much more from them soon since they are clearly talented. One quick look at their FB page shows they are unsigned but their manager works to Machine Management a fantastic firm (cough dream job cough) that also looks after Citizens! and Friendly Fires among others. So no fear for their career.

So here is the wonderful I wish I knew

And also a really fun recording done live in what looks like a tube or train

The only thing I must admit, is that for an actor, Olly does a terrible fake singing in the official video. That aside we still love you and your curls…and then there is your voice.

Song of the day: You know you lift me up dancing

Hello music lovers,

Well let’s continue on with the theme of bands I should have covered by now, are also bands that I probably should have heard of. I just fell upon this lovely songs by the Van She from Australia. Looks like the band has been happily releasing albums since 2005 and been associated with some pretty big names (such as the Yeah Yeah Yeahs) as well as have done plenty of remixes. Yet well this song is the first I catch of them.

The electropop synth filled tune caught my ear, so here it is: Idea of Happiness

I’m all for the male g-string Jesus looking protagonist, so much so that I’ll forgive him (difficulty) for replacing a curly-haired brunette for a blonde bimbo (it was a tough call really). She does have an eye patch after all. And shops at Spar. That’s juts not right.

Song of the day: Follow your ears

Dear song of the dayers,

It’s funny how sometimes nothing happens for what seems ages, and then all of a sudden everything happens at once. Today I celebrate 400 days of song of the day (wow). Song of the day also developed in Indie Nation, and today is the blogs 200 post. Today is also the day that I leave my Finance job at a big company to follow my ears and pursue a job in the INDIE music industry in London. I didn’t event cheat the numbers.
So let’s say it’s a pretty big day.

As silly as it may sound, song of the day changed my life. The daily habit of investing 10mins every day into music, that naturally grew to 30 minutes and sometimes an hour made a colossal difference over two years. Not only does it feel great to start your day with something you love, but it also lets you explore it truly, develop it, give you the knowledge and one day the guts to jump. And if you don’t believe me, there other people who say the same.

So where to from now?
I will take about a month’s break, to go on holiday, to go to London start searching my way and to think on how I want to continue blogging how/when/what/where.

What about the music?
In one way or another I will continue to bring you Song of the Day, it’s too much a part of me to give up. So don’t stress.
Just sign up to this blog via email and you will get a notification when I am back to bring exciting new news (end Nov/early Dec).
In the meanwhile it’s not like you are musicless.
You have the song of the day playlists: 1. MasMusic’s Song of the Day  and 2. MasMusic’s Song of the Day  to catch up on all the songs you missed.

So go ahead and get listening.

I leave you with a song and a band that I am completely in obsessed with at the moment: Labyrinth ear.
Yes I know I already gave two of their songs recently, but all they have is two short EPs and all I can do is listen to the on repeat.
And at the moment this song.

So here it is Humble Bones

And remember wear sunscreen

Over and up.

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: The devil will want you back

Hello kids,

So yes it’s about time I start acknowledging the new Two Door Cinema Club album Beacon, cause technically they still are indie I guess. Irish version of PhoenixmeetsVampireWeekend really exploded with their debut album back in 2010, and the second album is taking them from strength to strength.

This is what I call very easily digestible indie, so all of you should give it a listen and love it.

I wanted to give you Wake Up but it got taken down all over youtube. So here is Handshake instead.

There’s even some Passion Pit in there.

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: warm up to Saturday night's event

Posted on

Helllooooo kids!

Well I must be honest I am getting quite excited for our big event on Saturday.
Of course I am talking the blow up even that will be The Liberation by Indie Nation. Back to our favourite spot Cirkus Bar this Saturday night from 22h.

So why don’t you enjoy the day in Caves Ouvertes and then when you feeling sunny, tipsy and in a good groove mood – keep the good feeling by coming to jam to our favourite beats.
Of course there will be some awesome song of the day past tunes featured (of course filtered for feet tappers, hips swingers, body movers) and some brand new gems.

And so just to give you a taste – here is something given to me just the other day (props to Jean) which I have a strong suspicion is going to make the cut tonight as I create the ultimate setlist.

However DO NOT pay attention to the name Don’t Move by Phantogram

If you have requests you want me to remix in my set – send in your entries today (on the FB page) – I’ll try see if I can mix some of your jams in!

Keeping you groovy

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: I am an owl with giant eyes

Posted on

Hello Kids,

Since spontaneously this week we seem to be having Icelandic artists (Sóley and Of Monsters and Men). I thought I’d continue the theme and give you Sóley’s band.


The seven piece band came together in 2007 with humble beginning to bring us folksy whimsical music, but since then they have grown quite significantly and have toured internationally.
So look out for them in the town near you.

Here is Arms

Personally I prefer Sóley’s solo work much more but hey. Giving you the choice to choose. This is also happy chilled music if you need it.


Song of the day: He sleeps with his eyes open

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Dear all,

I found this lovely artist by luck last week and I am rather amazed of how she hid from me.
One watch of this video and  I really was musically ear blown away.
To be fair, she hasn’t been around for that long – she brought an EP Theater Island back in 2010.
And last year a lovely full length album We Sink.

And if you recognize some of the sound she is a member of Seabear who is now also exploring a solo career.

There is no doubt about it she is something special. And what with being Icelandic she does share the sweet and dreamy-strange of Sigur Ros.

So before I waste any more of your time. Here is the incredibly indie and mesmerizing Sóley.

And I’ll Drown – you got to love the Loops in this video


Song of the day: I fell in love at the seaside

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Hello kids,

Today we are talking about the legendary The Kooks.
They were part of the Indie (British) revolution era of The Strokes, Artic Monkeys, The Libertines building on work from The Clash.

It’s all the same kinda sound if you have a listen. And it’s your bread and butter of indie knowledge really.

So today I give you my favourite, even though a cliché (right after Naïve), Seaside.


Song of the day: After sex the bitter taste, been fooled again, the search continues

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Dear Song of the dayers,

I hope you are all jamming to the 300 days of Song of the day Playlist.

In the meanwhile, back to our usual song of the day, and back to the Paleo lineup.
As mentioned one of the bands featured is Bloc Party. One of my favourite bands.
Just before they took a break I stayed an extra two days in Greece and went solo to one of their concerts to be able to see them in the flesh (and it was well worth it). So you can’t imagine how delighted I am to hear that after a 3 years they have reunited (hopefully Kele has realized he is nothing without his entourage). Us fans are all waiting excitingly for their new album this year and I’m sure it will be as fantastic as the last.

In the meantime there are way way too many great songs to keep you busy with.
Of course this is not their first feature on Song of the day. I have already tried to get you into them with the popular Flux, Helicopter and the Minotaur remix of Tulips.

But now it’s time to break away from the popular and give you (possibly) my favourite.

Kreuzberg – the song is inspired by the famous part of Berlin and its symbolism for division and  war and how this is a metaphor for how a person is reflecting on the difference between intimacy and love and the war between the two.  (or at least that’s what I think)

there is a wall that runs right through me, just like the city I will never be joined

Enjoy the rest of A weekend in the City – the album is full of gems (Sunday is another favourite). Not to mention the entire Intimacy Album (including the remixes). Oh wait and Silent Alarm. Just listen to it all.

I, I have decided, at 25, something must change.
