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Tag Archives: Featured Friday

Song of the day: One day baby we'll be old, think about the stories that we could have told

Hello kids,

So I asked for suggestions for Featured Friday and kindly I got loads from Ecstatic Eva. So actually she sent me quite a hot and controversial song.

The story goes like this: some unknown 24-year-old student of philosophy and politics that on the sides calls himself DJ Wankelmut takes an old song by Asaf Avidan called Reckoning Song or One Day, remixes it and uploads it on to his SoundCloud naming it in brackets “unmastered/unsigned”. And then, what happens is internet magic. People go nuts, view sky-rocket and the remix explodes into a viral victory. It shocks everyone, most of all the unknown non-big shot DJ himself, Jacob.

Now all that fame and hype and the fun didn’t last long, now he is in negotiations with Sony who own the rights to the song and he has had to take down the remix from his SoundCloud. But we hear there will be more to come from him, if he can match the mountainess expectations after this hit. Let’s see what there is to come.

But of course there is an odd version lying on youtube, so have a listen:

Dont forget James Murphy tonight (see last post).


I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day


Song of the day: Take one for the team you're a cog in the machine

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Hello kids,

So guess what – its FEATURED FRIDAY. And today I got you a kicker from Marvellous Marco.
I heard this one around and loved it but was so happy with Marco sent it to me so now I know it comes from the awesome Django Django.

Django Django are a British psychedelic quartet that released their first self-titled album at the start of this year.  Since then people are going crazy about them – even the love to be haters NME who gave them a 8/10. There is some good fusion in their sound – some strange noises, some strong down drumming beat to keep you bouncing, some art-pop, some echoy vocals and the clear indie sound.

 So why don’t you check it out.

 Here is Default.

 Bounce your way into a wonderful weekend.
And if you are in Geneva – don’t forget Selah Sue.

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: One more sleep to our event

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I am happy to announce that after about 5 hours of practising last night (I’m kinda tired today) I have the ultimate setlist for tomorrow night. I am excited – I hope you are too.

Remember spread the word and turn up to Cirkus Bar from about 9h30/10h where you will find all the goooood beats.

So let’s exit the week and groove into the weekend with some goooood beats, especially on such a sunny day.
But of course today is Featured Friday – so let’s put the light on great music contributor and a fellow DJ, Valiant Vedran!

Among many others, he has provided us with this hot tune by Battles called Atlas.

have a good stretch before Saturday

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the Day – Sidetrack launches their EP this weekend

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 Hello song of the dayers,

As you know today is Featured Friday and I have something rather cool for you this week. So I am all about supporting local talented bands (such as BOY) and also my friends.
And this is a combination of both! Awesome Adam is part of a very cool four piece folk rock band called Sidetrack.

Sidetrack got formed back in 2007 in Nyon and since then they have become a pretty big deal in Switzerland. They have brought two albums and  made it on the Radio with “Goldrush” and “Can you sing” as well as some pretty heavy touring always in cute and trendy hidden places.

The best news is that they are starting their 2012 tour this Saturday, 22:00 at the Nemo Bar (Rue Jean-Violette 20, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland) to launch their EP ‘Oak’. They even have a big heart and are donating 20% of all CD sales to the ABCG ‘Forest Conservation’ Project

So why don’t you all go over and check out their groovy tunes and buy an album or two if you like them.

To give you a flavor here is the awesome ‘Afternoon Movie’ is also featured on their new EP “Oak”. 

(the cool guitarist with the checkered shirt is Adam!)

For more info you can go to their site

I’m going – why don’t you join me


Song of the day: We all live our lives in the comfort of fear

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Good morning kids,

Today I take a break from the Paleo line up featured artist and do a bit of a Featured Friday.
This is featuring a concert. This Sunday in D!Club Lausanne the great Ben Howard playing.

I only found out about him recently. I had hear his name here and there, and then I saw the concert.
And so curiously I went on youtube, and after one view of this I bought the tickets. That was enough for me.
Tickets were bought.

Here is my favourite of his songs, The Fear, in a lovely Secret Sessions live performance:

So come with on Sunday if you are keen for some lovely live music


Song of the day

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Hello kids,

That’s right people it’s Featured Friday. Today we have a lovely little song from Enchanting Eva. This song is about as cute as she is.

She gives us Dillon. Minimalistic and effective is how  I would describe her. Have a listen to Thirteen Thirty-five and tell me what you think. It’s from a wonderful named album The Silence Kills. I quite like the album cover.


I hear a bit of Selah Sue and Lykke Li in here. Yet she is from Berlin not Sweden.

Enjoy your weekend


Song of the day

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Dear Song of the Dayers,

Today is Featured Fridays. And this lovely tune was a wonderful birthday gift from none other than Sophisticated Swedish Sweetheart Sophia. She gave me a killer of a band that I have been obsessed this whole week. They are called The Jezabels and they are from Sydney…mate. This is also the name of an Anna Calvi song (which they have a very similar sound to minus the spanish guitar). They describe their genre as intensindie. I love it.

I highly recommend having a listen to all 3 of their EPs and first album Prisoner.

Here is Hurt Me from the wonderful She’s So Hard EP.

But since I like them so much – and its Friday here is a bonus track

Sahara Mahala from Dark Storm EP

Have a lovely sunny weekend


Song of the day

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Hi Everyone,

Today is Featured Friday. And this jem of a song comes from Terrific Tomasz.

Sometimes you hear something and it makes you stop and admire the amount of beauty in the world and how incredible it is that in each of us lies some type of potential to add to this vast amount. Here is someone that is using his potential to unnatural levels.

This made me stop. And be amazed.

Here is Matt Corby – Brother


The live version is a million times about the album version. When his voice gets rough at the end I feel like it is grating my heart.
