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Tag Archives: MasMusic

Song of the day: Follow your ears

Dear song of the dayers,

It’s funny how sometimes nothing happens for what seems ages, and then all of a sudden everything happens at once. Today I celebrate 400 days of song of the day (wow). Song of the day also developed in Indie Nation, and today is the blogs 200 post. Today is also the day that I leave my Finance job at a big company to follow my ears and pursue a job in the INDIE music industry in London. I didn’t event cheat the numbers.
So let’s say it’s a pretty big day.

As silly as it may sound, song of the day changed my life. The daily habit of investing 10mins every day into music, that naturally grew to 30 minutes and sometimes an hour made a colossal difference over two years. Not only does it feel great to start your day with something you love, but it also lets you explore it truly, develop it, give you the knowledge and one day the guts to jump. And if you don’t believe me, there other people who say the same.

So where to from now?
I will take about a month’s break, to go on holiday, to go to London start searching my way and to think on how I want to continue blogging how/when/what/where.

What about the music?
In one way or another I will continue to bring you Song of the Day, it’s too much a part of me to give up. So don’t stress.
Just sign up to this blog via email and you will get a notification when I am back to bring exciting new news (end Nov/early Dec).
In the meanwhile it’s not like you are musicless.
You have the song of the day playlists: 1. MasMusic’s Song of the Day  and 2. MasMusic’s Song of the Day  to catch up on all the songs you missed.

So go ahead and get listening.

I leave you with a song and a band that I am completely in obsessed with at the moment: Labyrinth ear.
Yes I know I already gave two of their songs recently, but all they have is two short EPs and all I can do is listen to the on repeat.
And at the moment this song.

So here it is Humble Bones

And remember wear sunscreen

Over and up.

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: Nox Orae Festival this weekend in Vevey

Hello people,

So today I am happy to bring you my great find of last week. This weekend (Fri-Sat) there is an awesome 2 day festival in Vevey (between Lausanne and Montreaux). The festival is called Nox Orae – and I love the design and the site.

So at first the artist all looked unfamiliar, apart from Gravenhurst. But then I remembered that Fanfarlo had been on my to listen list for a while.
And so I started checking them out in more details as well as browsing over the other acts.

Well turns out the line up is awesome. The bands are mostly fantastic and the price is just the best thing I have ever seen : 40 CHF for the full 2 days (SAY WHHHHAATT?!?). So obviously I am booking tickets today. And I would recommend you do the same. And lets all go along together to enjoy it.

So lets start with Fanfarlo to give you a taste of what there is.

Here is I’m a Pilot

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: Golden beats

Hello kids,

Its Featured Friday and today we have a great contribution by Brand New Ben (different from Bouncy Ben who previously contributed).

So they band is called Gold Panda, and we love their electronic melange of sounds. It reminds me a bit of Four Tet.
Things blew up for Panda in 2009 when they released the You EP. And for good reason. The title track is hot and I just cant get enough of it.

So here it is: YOU


I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day goes on holiday

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Dear Song of the dayers,

So I am going on holiday for 3 weeks today. So you will be song of the day-less while I am away. Now, now hold back the tears.

However don’t worry I am not leaving you empty handed. A reminder of the 300 days of song of the day playlist. And because it’s a rather large playlist – I have started creating a new playlist and uploading all the songs since then.


So how bout you use the break to catch up on some great singles you may have missed.

And of course my holiday includes a serious focus on music – so I will be at Heineken Open’er in Poland enjoying one of the best line ups in Europe this summer. I hope those of you who stay in Geneva enjoy Paleo and Montreux. I’ll be back with some great tunes.

So I leave you with a happy clappy tune to set off on a good note. Its Passion Pit Remix AGAIN (sorry I really am obsessed).

It also comes from Gotye – which you will remember from Somebody that I use to know (if you didn’t catch that you are definitely not on FB cause that video exploded)

Here is Learnalilgivinanlovin

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: It's alarming honestly how charming she can be

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Hello kids,

So onto the next artist I saw at Hackney Weekend. The controversial big lipped Lana Del Rey. I have already written about the drama about her. I have already given you by far my favourite (but not well known) song Radio.

And now I am happy to present the truth to you: SHE CAN SING.

There are some videos of her on youtube which my friends kept telling me about that she is a bad singer. Well keep your videos to yourself – I saw her live and she can.

To be fair the poor doll is either terrified or extremely shy and in the beginning she was being drowned out by the instruments. And then the sound was not completely clear – kind of a smudgy sound.

But as time passed and the Barbie relaxed, or the sound engineers made the correct adjustment, her voice really came out.
Especially when she added some fancy spontaneous twirls to the song to really show off the power of her voice.

THE GIRL CAN SING. And its wasn’t playback.

So that myth busted.

Here is Carmen. And a very Lana Del Rey type video.

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: Happy Fete de la Musique

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Hello kids,

So as I get a reobssession (yes that’s not a word) for Passion Pit the gemy jams keep emerging.
Here is a remix they did of Ra Ra Riot’s Ghost Under Rock.

I listened to this song about 50 times yesterday.

Have a lovely weekend – and enjoy FETE DE LA MUSIQUE. Finally something serious to be celebrating.
There’s stuff going on everywhere around Geneva so make sure to check it out

I’ll be at Hackney Weekend (London) trying to find some new inspiration to share with you.

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day


Song of the day: Wrote you a letter, I'd soon regret

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Hello song of the dayers,

So today I give you a band that I found at the start of the year. Their name is The Chap. A North London mix of rock and pop.
These cheeky little buggers have kept the blogs talking furiously for the last two albums.
After 4 albums and 8 years of existence the band came out with a rather bold new album of We Are the Best a pure act of being wilfully obscure.

A greatest hit album? The band was in no way big, not in commercial terms or indie. So we had to accept that this was them just being provocative.

And so as all music bloggers were outraged with the arrogance I want to give them the credit of being longer term planners.
Because to come back one year later with an awesomely tongue in cheek album called We Are Nobody and album cover like this:


Can only be pure brilliance if it was planned all along. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.

So anways let me give you this weird and wonderful tune – my favourite off this strange album.
I love it so much for that wonderful background noise after the chorus – have a listen around at 1:27.
If someone can tell me what is that instrument I would be awfully thankful.

Here is What did we Do:

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: No one cares, what you do, what you say or what you wear

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Hello kids,

So since I got such positive feedback from Goldfish. Here is one more – one of my favourites.
Soundtracks and Comebacks.

I’m sure you have jammed to this before – and never knew it was South African.
So jam jam jam away some more to the jazzy afro sound.

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: I never thought that I could be so bold

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Hello kids,

So today is FEEEEEATured Friday. And I just the other day I was speaking to Benny the Bear about the Eels.
I always knew them from Fresh Feeling which I love.

But he gave me the also very famous That Look You Give That Guy.

And it’s just rather lovely isn’t it?

This American indie rock band has appeared in many film soundtracks and Fresh Feeling you would have actually heard on Shrek.
They have been releasing albums since 1996 and released their 9th album back in 2010.

So enjoy your cool and calm tune this sunny day and if you like it there is TONS of other material from them.

Have a jamming weekend

See you on the other side

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: Mash and Potatoes

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Hello kids,

So guess what it is back to Feature Friday. And today I feature again my favourite Puki Potato.  And we even have a double treat for you – as they fit quite nicely together.

His first suggestion was Cloud Control and their  awesome There’s nothing in the water we can’t fight

This Australian band needs further compliments than to mention some of the bands they have toured with: Arcade Fire, Vampire Weekend, Temper Trap and Local Natives. That’s enough for me to know they are awesome.

Then his second suggestion is from The Lumineers and their single Ho Hey. The comment that was made is that there is a common note and style between the two and I can’t disagree. However this American band are more on the folk spectrum of Cloud Control’s alternative rock. They have not yet toured with such impressive artists – but since they only released their first self-titled album a little over a month ago – I think they have big things to come. So keep an eye out for them.

Enjoy the jams


I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day