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Tag Archives: Swedish

Song of the day: In your eyes, babe

Hello there kids,

Yes well I’m sorry this is late, but now that I no longer have the routine of a 9 to 5 job the song of the day will need to come at all unpredictable time of the day. No longer can I do reliable morning delivery. But hey it will keep you guessing when the joy will arrive. So that’s positive too right?

Anyways so following yesterday’s trend of bands I assumed I would have covered by now but realize with shock horror that I am yet to cover is Tallest Man on Earth. Now although Kristian Matsson is dangerously close to what people could call country sounding music (and we all know I hate country), he falls firmly on the folk side (and we love folk). He also toured with Bon Iver which obviously gives him a non negotiable YES PLEASE. And he is Swedish, and we all know the Swedes are just simply awesome at Indie (Miike Snow, Lykke Li, Jose Gonzales).

The special thing about Tallest Man on Earth is just how incredibly linked and intertwined his voice and his guitar are. He is famous for writing, producing and recoding most of his songs all by himself. So go Kristian!

Here is the famous and charming The Gardener,

Now isn’t that pretty.


Song of the day

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Dear Song of the Dayers,

Today is Featured Fridays. And this lovely tune was a wonderful birthday gift from none other than Sophisticated Swedish Sweetheart Sophia. She gave me a killer of a band that I have been obsessed this whole week. They are called The Jezabels and they are from Sydney…mate. This is also the name of an Anna Calvi song (which they have a very similar sound to minus the spanish guitar). They describe their genre as intensindie. I love it.

I highly recommend having a listen to all 3 of their EPs and first album Prisoner.

Here is Hurt Me from the wonderful She’s So Hard EP.

But since I like them so much – and its Friday here is a bonus track

Sahara Mahala from Dark Storm EP

Have a lovely sunny weekend
