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Tag Archives: hello song

Song of the day: Like a monkey with a miniature cymbal

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Hello song of the dayers,

Picking up where we left off – HOT CHIP.
I felt I had to give you their classic if somehow this tune got away from you.
From their 2006 album, The Warning, here is Over and Over:

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the day: Wrote you a letter, I'd soon regret

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Hello song of the dayers,

So today I give you a band that I found at the start of the year. Their name is The Chap. A North London mix of rock and pop.
These cheeky little buggers have kept the blogs talking furiously for the last two albums.
After 4 albums and 8 years of existence the band came out with a rather bold new album of We Are the Best a pure act of being wilfully obscure.

A greatest hit album? The band was in no way big, not in commercial terms or indie. So we had to accept that this was them just being provocative.

And so as all music bloggers were outraged with the arrogance I want to give them the credit of being longer term planners.
Because to come back one year later with an awesomely tongue in cheek album called We Are Nobody and album cover like this:


Can only be pure brilliance if it was planned all along. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.

So anways let me give you this weird and wonderful tune – my favourite off this strange album.
I love it so much for that wonderful background noise after the chorus – have a listen around at 1:27.
If someone can tell me what is that instrument I would be awfully thankful.

Here is What did we Do:

I wish I could make a soundtrack to my life and breathe in the notes every day

Song of the Day – Sidetrack launches their EP this weekend

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 Hello song of the dayers,

As you know today is Featured Friday and I have something rather cool for you this week. So I am all about supporting local talented bands (such as BOY) and also my friends.
And this is a combination of both! Awesome Adam is part of a very cool four piece folk rock band called Sidetrack.

Sidetrack got formed back in 2007 in Nyon and since then they have become a pretty big deal in Switzerland. They have brought two albums and  made it on the Radio with “Goldrush” and “Can you sing” as well as some pretty heavy touring always in cute and trendy hidden places.

The best news is that they are starting their 2012 tour this Saturday, 22:00 at the Nemo Bar (Rue Jean-Violette 20, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland) to launch their EP ‘Oak’. They even have a big heart and are donating 20% of all CD sales to the ABCG ‘Forest Conservation’ Project

So why don’t you all go over and check out their groovy tunes and buy an album or two if you like them.

To give you a flavor here is the awesome ‘Afternoon Movie’ is also featured on their new EP “Oak”. 

(the cool guitarist with the checkered shirt is Adam!)

For more info you can go to their site

I’m going – why don’t you join me
